KINS English Fluency Training in Kochi

You may learn English via WhatsApp on a daily basis for a month (20 days). You may talk to me in the specified time period (20 minutes/day) and send messages to clarify your doubts. And if you are happy with my course, you may extend it for another month too. Avail these benefits for a reasonable monthly fee of Rs 2500.

Do you find it difficult to speak in English confidently?

It’s perfectly fine. It just means that you are trying the very best to improve your English speaking skills.

If lack of fluency in English is what bothering you my English speaking course would certainly be of great help.

Speaking any language fluently is the result of constant listening and practice. You may listen to any source like videos, podcasts, movies, etc. However, it’s the relentless practice that makes the difference.

And I have the plan set for you irrespective of your English language fluency. The course is set based on understanding your current level of English language proficiency which includes vocabulary, grammar-basics and fluency.

Speaking any language fluently is the result of constant listening and practice. You may listen to any source like videos, podcasts, movies, etc. However, it’s the relentless practice that makes the difference.

And I have the plan set for you irrespective of your English language fluency. The course is set based on understanding your current level of English language proficiency which includes vocabulary, grammar-basics and fluency.

Benefits of Online English Fluency Training in Kochi
English Fluency training is for

Join The Course

You may learn English via WhatsApp / Video Chat on a daily basis for a month (20 days). You may talk to me in the specified time period (20 minutes/day) and send messages to clarify your doubts. And if you are happy with my course, you may extend it for another month too. Avail these benefits for a reasonable monthly fee of Rs 2500.

*Money back guarantee – After joining, if you are not willing to continue with my course for any reason, you will be given back 100% of the course fee as the refund amount.
(Only applicable if the student’s willingness to discontinue has been intimated via email within 24 hours of completion of the first session.)